Wednesday, January 7, 2015

OOTD+Late Night Musings

Yesterday, I was stopping in at Target, which is an almost daily occurence, since it's within walking distance of my house.  While checking out, I noticed the cashier had a "Mom of an Angel" bracelet.  We got to talking, and she's lost two babies because of a faulty cervix.  I felt really bad for her.  Her daughter was due on Christmas and she lost her the same week I lost Therese.  It creates an instant bond, but it's a very sad sisterhood.
Sometimes I feel like all that happened to someone else.  It's been long enough that I don't remember things quite as clearly (especially since I was on an epidural), but unfortunately, I remember when they told me she was gone quite clearly.  Working on making that memory fuzzy too. 
In happier news, I've felt so much better this week as compared to last week! I've been exercising every day and Mike and I went on a hike to a waterfall Monday.  Being out in "nature" really made me feel so much clearer and peaceful.  I've visited Therese every day this week and been fine. I just talk to her about my dreams and hopes and I know she listens.
Being happy leads to dressing pretty! My newest favorite skirt is from Modcloth, by Steady Clothing.  Their tops always fit me a little bit tightly, but their skirts are roomy, comfortable and look fantastic. My go to black skirt is also by Steady, and I hope to get the mauve and teal versions of this one when I get paid (someday). 
Shirt: Target
Skirt: Modcloth
Flower: Vintagebox 1947
Butterfly Pin: Old, from my mom
Shoes: Target
As you can see, Target is my friend.  My butterfly pin has been coming out a lot lately.  There are numerous websites dedicated to moms who have lost a baby and in a few of those, they use butterflies as a symbol for the babies.  I like that imagery better than an angel in a lot of ways, so my butterfly pin comes out when I feel like I need to pull her close to me.  
Mike made me do this pose
I also have to wear my glasses more often.  I spent way too much time as a kid being teased about glasses, so I've never been fond of wearing them.  However, my eyes definitely need a break and I guess now's as good a time as any.  
Last thing before I go to bed so I can sub tomorrow: Agent Carter is a fantastic show! The clothes and hair are to die for and Peggy is an excellent role model for girls.  I hope I can show it to my goddaughter some day!
I love my photographer!

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